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The Will of God

Posted on January 5, 2025

See on YouTube Pastor J.J.'s last sermon as senior pastor of Living Hope Church of the Nazarene


The Will of God

Jeremiah 31:7-14

Psalm 147:12-20

Ephesians 1:3-14

John 1:3-14

Since before the beginning of creation God has had a plan and desire. God has the ability and power to produce what he wishes out of thin air. We understand and observe the universe and all that we can see on this planet and through out and can understand that no matter what we do, we cannot create matter and energy ourselves. All that we can do is alter, change, and manipulate what already exists. We can take one thing and exchange it for another but no atoms are destroyed and no energy is created. It is just changed in form. However, God is different in that he can change, create, and produce anything that he wishes just by the command of his voice. Jesus himself proved himself to be God by producing enough fish and bread for thousands of people to eat. He didn’t alter or change the molecular structure of the bread and fish to be expanded or produce more. No, he created it out of nothing. All he did was take what he had and made more of it therefore defying the laws of Physics. It is important to understand that this was not the first time Jesus had done something like this for he had done this same thing from the beginning of creation as he was there at the beginning of creation. He only came to earth to be with us as a man in order to carry out his will for the world. However, what is his will for the world? His will is written in His Word.

This morning, we read from the prophet Jeremiah. Jeremiah is speaking about God’s plan for Israel. This plan speaks volumes about God’s intent and plan for humanity as well. God is planning a restoration for Israel. While the people have been scattered, they will now be gathered together. All will be gathered, even the blind and lame, and those who are carrying a child. This is to be a joyous time and there will be tears of joy. The pathways will be made level for them and the obstacles taken away. God’s will is restoration. He does not wish for suffering or for a long period of separation. He desires good for his creation and in fact he created everything with the purpose for it all to be good. God’s will is for the good of his chosen people and not for their harm.

Paul tells us in his letter to the Ephesians that “he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.” This has been his desire for us from since the beginning. That we would be made like him and in his image, holy and blameless. That we be perfect without a spot or wrinkle. However, we made a choice long ago that has blurred that image and has brought farther away from the will God and continues to do so. We chose to sin. Sin is the opposite of his image and therefore the opposite of his will for our lives. Because we are naturally against his will, he had to do something to help bring us back into his will. This is why “in love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will.” Verse 9 says, “he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ.” The Lord makes known to us his will. He desires to bring unity to the things in heaven and on earth and he does so through Christ. God wants to be in relationship and unity with us just as he was at the beginning. His will is to restore that relationship with all of mankind. However, he had to give up his own human life to make that possible.

Sin has put us into darkness. And because there is darkness, we are in need of light. Christ is that light as it is written by John. The darkness will never overcome that light. He was there from the beginning and came into the world of his creation. And yet the world had not and in some cases still does not recognize him. Many even choose to not recognize him. Others know him and claim to believe in him and yet they still desire to live in the darkness. But his will is for us to live and remain in the light for all eternity. Before Jesus, there really was darkness among Isarael. With a kingdom forcing their rule over Israel and with no real way to atone for the darkness that they would create themselves, they were in utter darkness. However, Christ comes in and brings a light of hope into the world and many choose to believe and they see that light. Their lives are transformed. This is the will of God. That you be transformed into the likeness of Christ and that there be unity between you and heaven.

I have had a lot on my mind about the will of God in my life these past several months as many of you can imagine. This is my last sermon here at Living Hope as your Senior Pastor. God’s will for me and my family is southward. My experiences with this church have been extraordinary and the memories and relationships I have made will go along with me. I have served my purpose here for what God had called me to do and now he is calling me to do the same in the Carolinas. However, God still has a purpose and will for this church as well. His will is that this church brings light and hope in the darkness. That through this church there will be unity of the people in Ann Arbor with heaven. You all will forever be considered family to me. We have dined together, wept together, and carried each other’s burdens. I pray that you continue to so as a family of God for years to come. I pray that lives transformed will be the legacy of this church. I thank you for all of your support over the years through all of my life’s transitions and struggles including my family’s struggles as well. You have been the embodiment of a Christ centered church in more ways than not. Never forget your purpose. Never forget your mission to build Christlike disciples. Never forget to love your pastors. Never forget to love each other. For love is God’s will for his church.