Creation Speaks
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Creation Speaks
Hebrews 11:1-6
Psalm 19:1-6
Romans 10:1-13
John 12:44-50
Listen, can you hear that sound? It is the sound of everything that is around us. All of creation speaks and sings the song of the creator. Every single thing and every single atom and particle in the universe produces a sound. You might not be able to hear every sound that they make however the sound is still there. Light itself has a frequency in which it produces a sound as photon particles bump into each other. The electrons within each atom emit energy and frequency of sound as they move and bump into each other. The Hydrogen atom for instance only has one electron yet it can emit energy under 4 lines of frequency emissions on the emission spectrum. This means that the universe itself is making music. David seems to recognize this in Psalm 19 as he looks up into the sky at night.
David says that “The heavens declare the glory of God… Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.” David knows as we know when we look up in the sky at night that everything seems silent. We cannot hear the stars, the planets, or the galaxies, yet in their own way they speak to the vastness of an almighty creator. David does not look up in the sky and think, “wow, imagine how many billions of years it must have taken for all of the stars to finally align together to form all of the different constellations just by chance.” No, he looks up in the sky and recognizes that an almighty creator put all of this together and the heavens speak to his creativity. David understands that all the stars that he sees could not have just been put up there by chance.
The famous monument known today as Mount Rushmore was designed and sculpted by Gutzon Borglum. The construction began October 4, 1927 and the finished product we see today was completed on October 3, 1941. It took 14 years to complete the construction of the scaled heads of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt. In order to carve these faces in the natural granite of this mountain they intricately used blasting with dynamite, a process called honeycombing in which holes would be drilled close together and then able to be chipped away by hand. The name of the chief carver was an Italian Immigrant named Luigi del Bianco. He was chosen for his ability to etching the emotions and personality of the subjects for his carved portraits. The plan was to carve the images down to the waist but they were unable to due to a lack of funding.
Imagine if you would people going to visit Mount Rushmore after the completion of its construction. Imagine the people looking at this mountain in wonder and saying, “I wonder how many millions of years it took for the water to just happen to erode all of the rock on this mountain just right to form the faces of our former presidents.” If people did that, they would probably be thrown out of the park for even suggesting such a ridiculous thing. Yet this is exactly what people do today when they look up into the heavens or look at the human cell or even DNA. How many millions of years did it take for all of this to happen by chance? One would wonder then why would God let anyone with such a ridiculous lack of belief enter His paradise that he has created for us.
Before the invention of our modern day telescopes the atheistic community of scientists believed that there was no beginning to the Universe. They believed that everything just always was and always had been. They believed that the stars in the sky were fixed in position. If every always was and if there was no beginning then there would be no need for the explanation of a God then. However, after the invention of the telescope we were able to look up at the other galaxies and see that these stars that we thought were fixed in the sky are actually moving away from us. This then crumples the theory that the universe is stationary and always was as it is now. This would mean that there had to have been a beginning. God tells us in Genesis that in the beginning God spoke and “boom” there it was all the stars in the sky burst forth. Well now we know the universe is moving and expanding so what the Bible says happened appears to be what had happened. However, that doesn’t fit into the atheist world view so now they say there was a beginning billions of years ago when an explosion of matter took place and then everything has been expanding and moving ever since. They claim that it must be this way in order to justify their lack of belief in God. Yet David says “the heavens declare the glory of God.”
The problem comes down to faith and belief. Hebrews 11:1-3 says, “Now Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see… By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.” The scripture declares that all of creation speaks out to us telling us that it is hear. Creation tells us that we have a purpose and that our existence is not a matter of chance but instead it is a matter of design. Creation is visible and its evidence is visible. It is every bit as visible as the faces carved into Mount Rushmore.
In John Chapter 12:44-50, Jesus tells us that whoever believes in him also believes in the one who sent him. He explains that those who hear his words though and yet do not obey them it is not him who judges them. He says that he did not come to judge the world but to save the world from their sin. However, he acknowledges that there is a judge and that whoever rejects the words of Christ these very same words will condemn them on the last day. Jesus has said what the father has told him to say and his command leads to eternal life. In the same way, if we reject the voice and the words of His creation, we are also condemned for how can we accept the words of Christ and yet at the same time reject the voice of creation. They are one and the same. Romans 10:9-11 says, “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.” With our mouth we may reject the voice of creation and the creator but it is also with our mouth that we may proclaim our salvation if we will believe and listen to His voice. For everyone who calls on His name will be saved.
I am here to tell you this morning that creation has a voice. It is the voice that said let there be and it was so. It is the voice that created your inner most being. It is the voice that engineered every little part of you, and shaped you into a work of art greater and more beautiful than the faces on a mountain in South Dakota. His Creation speaks, the stars in heaven speak. The mountains, valleys, and canyons speak. The plants and animals speak. The molten rock and lava under the ground and crust of the earth speak. The most interesting thing though is that His creation of man also speaks. However, this voice has the choice to reject Him or accept Him. This is the only form of creation who has this ability. The question is what voice are you?